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Facilitator Certification in HRD 129 - A Brochure

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Facilitator Certification in HRD 129 - Admission Notification

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Facilitator Certification in HRD 129 - Application form

Application FC.docx



  Master Facilitator in Leadership and Human Resource Development (MFLHRD)  



Candidates should have passed a Bachelor's Degree Examination of any University.


Results of Training

After completion of training and practicals, the candidates will have the following benefits.

1.       A personal growth through clarification of concept and development of skills.

2.       A clear understanding of human resource and human development.

3.       Knowledge of designs and necessary materials for conduct of human resource development programmes.

4.       An exposure to participatory methods of training, especially experiential learning.

5.       Access to researched and field-tested materials of the institution.

6.       Membership offer to Associations and Projects of CLHRD.

7.       Ability to conduct Mind Skill Exercises.

8.       An understanding of the philosophy of human development towards a more humane and enlightened society.

MFLHRD Prospectus web.pdf

CLHRD A Rare Graduate College E-mail

The First of Its Kind

    • The first college for Leadership and HRD in the country in any University. 
    • The syllabus was prepared by the college under the guidance of the Chairman and members of the Board of studies. 
    • The syllabus preparations also involved executives from corporate organisations. 
    • Several workshops were organised to prepare model question papers for each semester examination. 
    • For all such intellectual assemblies the college spent its own funds without any sponsorship from others. 
  • The college now offers BHRD as a Composite Graduate Programme which the students pursue with any degree for which they woudl have joined the university. BHRD is registered as a brand with the Ministry of HRD. BHRD is offered only by CLHRD. However, its Programme Extension Centres also offer BHRD as a Composite Graduate Programme with the degrees offered by their universities. 
  • The college also offers Master Facilitator in Leadership and Human Resource Development (MFLHRD) alongside postgraduate courses or as an independent programme. 
  • The short term courses titled 'FEEL' (Facilitating Excellence in Effective Leadership) is offered by the college at its own premises and also at different institutions with provisions for customising. 
  • The effectiveness of the course has resulted in all products of the college being employed directly or after higher studies.

 One Lakh Milestone

    • CLHRD offers learning and development interventions to the corporates, NGOs and educational institutions.  
    • The total number of people whom it has trained has crossed one lakh in number by June 2005. One of its products 'FEEL Employable' has been offered to 73,749 students in the last fourteen years of existence.  
    • Such training programmes have been offered at the college as well as at other institutions by deputing members of the faculty for the conduct of such interventions. 
    • In many cases entry and exit studies have been conducted and these are made available for research on effectiveness of the conduct of human resource development interventions. 
    • These programmes have also been an earning point for the institution. 
  • All these programmes are offered with certificates for participation. 

Organisation of Intellectual Assemblies

    • CLHRD has been organising, as a policy, intellectual assemblies for both collecting and creating intellectual property as well as sharing the same with others. 
  • These have been organised since the inception every year. 
  • CLHRD has thousands of its trained Facilitators in different institutions who assemble for creation of intellectual property and also assist in conduct of FEEL Programmes in different places.
  • Several of the faculty have attended and contributed to the cause of higher education by participating in seminars and workshops organised in different colleges and places. At CLHRD all members of the faculty are encouraged to participate by sponsoring the entire expenses of any participation.

Unique Programme Extension Centres

    • CLHRD has established several Programme Extension Centres across the state and across the country. It is also an earning point. 
    • The PECs conduct training programmes designed by CLHRD and the intellectual property is provided by CLHRD. 
    • CLHRD has students for BHRD in four colleges in three different universities who do their Composite Graduate Programme with their degrees affiliated to those universities.  
  • As of now, CLHRD offers learning and development interventions in forty institutions on a regular basis, among which eight Engineering Colleges and twenty-two Arts and Science Colleges are PECs in the states of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh.

Consultant for Commissionerate of Collegiate Education

    • In the year 2002 the Commissionerate of Collegiate Education, Government of Karnataka, appointed CLHRD as a consultant and nodal centre for its Roadmap to TQM and HRD. 
    • CLHRD has trained one hundred and thirteen HR Facilitators for activities in all districts. These have been continuously supported and organised by CLHRD. 
    • CLHRD provides intellectual property free of cost to the District Task Forces of the Roadmap to TQM and HRD. 
    • CLHRD has conducted two-day training programmes on new methods of teaching in thirteen districts involving over one thousand nine hundred college lecturers from one hundred thirteen colleges. 
  • CLHRD has published training manuals on behalf of the Commissionerate and NAAC, Bangalore and these manuals are being used by many of the colleges in the state.

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College for Leadership and Human Resource Development,
Fredwin Mound, Syndicate Bank Lane, Kadri Road, Mangaluru- 575 003, Karnataka, India
Ph: 91-824-2980587, 2980487
email: clhrd@clhrd.ac.in, aiminsights@clhrd.ac.in 
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